Frequency of Occurrence of Different Kennedy Classified Cases in College of Dentistry (Iraq)


Yousif Yaqub Yousif

Supervisor: Dr. Jabbar Hussen

Background: Edentulism is a condition caused by tooth loss that impairs normal function, comfort, appearance, and communication. It’s also lead to Occlusal discrepancies, migration and spacing of adjacent teeth, supra eruption, loss of space, temporomandibular problems, and other unpleasant alterations affect.
The Aim: To determine the prevalence of Kennedy’s classification among partially edentulous people, as well as the relationship between age and gender.
The Method: A total of 200 patients were included in this investigation. The study covered all individuals who were looking for tooth replacement. A self-designed proforma was used to collect data on partial edentulism. The clinical data was summarized using frequencies and percentages in relation to age and gender. The pattern of partially edentulous arches was determined using Kennedy’s classification.
The Result: Kennedy C1. II partial edentulism was seen in 10 % of maxillary arch patients and 18% percent of mandibular arch patients. Class. III was the most common in both the maxillary and mandibular arch, whereas C1. IV was the least common. In CL.III patients, the Class. IN has the highest prevalence. Group I (20-29) patients had the highest incidence of Class. III and II. males had more cases than females, with cl. III having the highest frequency, followed by class. II then Class. I, Class. IV having the lowest. For males and females, class. III had the highest frequency, followed by females’ class. I, and then cl. I, cl. IV had the lowest.
The Conclusion: Kennedy’s class III is the most common class of partial edentulism both in male and female population. Partial edentulism is more frequent in mandible when compared to maxilla. group I (20-29 years) patients (16.5%) was highest prevalence in this study. gender percentage showed predominance of males compare to females.