On December 1 ,2020, the Faculty of Dentistry in Tishk International University arranged a scientific trip to CMC hospital in Erbil, KRG.
The activity was arranged for a group of Fourth and Fifth grade Dentistry Students who are currently attending the Oral Diagnosis and Radiology Clinic under the supervision of Dr.Zainab Yalman, the representative of Dean of Students Office.
The group visited the Radiology Unit of CMC Hospital, analyzed some X-rays and discussed some cases with Dr.Zainab Yalman. The visits to CMC Hospital is going to be repeated every week for Fourth and Fifth Grade students every Tuesday.
Faculty of Dentistry at Tishk International University is one of the most fundamental and popular faculties of dentistry in the city of Erbil, Iraq. Our faculty provides a very affluent health care system with its experienced faculty members and staff. For more information, please visit this webpage