On 16th May 2023, the Dean of Students Office at the Faculty of Dentistry, Tishk International University arranged a special event to recognize and appreciate the participants of the faculty community service projects. The purpose of this ceremony was to present the volunteers with Certificates of Appreciation, acknowledging their dedication, hard work, and invaluable contributions. By hosting this event, we aimed to inspire and motivate these individuals while expressing our heartfelt gratitude for their outstanding efforts. The ceremony was organized by Dr Zainab Yalman, Director of Social Affairs and Guidance, Mr. Ercan Sezer, Mr. Yusuf Siddiq and Ms. Zhala Tahsin, Dean of Students Representatives, Dr. Sara Sherzad, Ms. Sara Salim, Staff Member of the Dean of Students.
All the staff and students who participated in the projects were invited together with Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdul SamadSalahuddin Ahmad, President of Tishk International University, Dr. Muhammad Abdulghani, Dean of Students Director, Dr. Duran Kala, Dean of Faculty of Dentistry and Mr. Hedi Mustafa, Community Service Responsible who handed the certificates to the participants. The ceremony was also enriched by a group of visitors from ICET and also visitors from London. A presentation was made briefing all the projects completed and the certificates were distributed. At the end of the ceremony, sweets and drinks were offered for the participants and visitors.
The Dean of Student’s Office at the Faculty of Dentistry accomplished 10 community service projects in the academic year of 2022-2023, which served over 900 people including primary school students, high school students, orphans, poor people, general people, elderly people and Syrian refugees. The project participants and supervisors consisted of TIU staff and students. The number of the staff and students participating in the projects were 35 and 128 participants respectively.
Community service projects aim at serving people in different ways whether by financially supporting families or dental education visits or providing dental treatment. Volunteering and community service provides you with a perfect opportunity to become closer to the community you live in. Community service broadens your horizons by helping you understand the needs of the society and the population you are trying to help through the project you are volunteering on. This is an inseparable part of any profession including Dentistry.
The community service projects completed by the Dean of Student’s Office at the Faculty of Dentistry include:
Tishk International University prioritizes humanitarian endeavors and has consistently remained at the forefront of community service initiatives. We extend our sincerest gratitude to TIU Management for fostering an exceptional culture of community service and volunteerism. The university’s commitment to instilling a sense of responsibility among both its esteemed staff and dedicated students is commendable. By encouraging active involvement in serving the community and promoting engagement with society, TIU consistently inspires individuals to make a positive difference in the lives of others.