The Expanded Program of Immunization with WHO was launched at the Faculty of Dentistry of Tishk International University on December 11th, 2022, in the presence of Assist. Prof. Dr. Idris Hadi, Head of the Board of Trustees at TIU, Dr. Mehmet Ozdemir, Academic Vice President at TIU, Dr. Duran Kala, Dean of Dentistry Faculty, Dr. Lezan Dawood, Polyclinic Director, and the Representatives of the World Health Organization (WHO), and Ministry of Health, KRG. EPI is a new initiative to scale up routine immunization and C-19 vaccination through engaging university students in medical, dental, and pharmacy schools in Baghdad, Basra, and Erbil to mobilize the community.
One hundred students from Tishk International University registered for the program (50 Dentistry, 50 Pharmacy). The program provided one-day training in the university hall on RCCE and the importance of mobilizing the community to promote health and strengthen the health systems. WHO Representative explained the importance of routine immunization in building solid and healthy communities and strengthening the UHC. In the project’s next stage, the WHO team will provide students with health messages to disseminate on social media and in their communities.
• Follow up with students on a weekly basis until the end of February. The project will provide an opportunity for:
• To strengthen universal health coverage and indicate the importance of collaboration between WHO and educational institutions to promote health among communities.
• Shed light on our youth/students’ network in Baghdad, Basra and Erbil and their role in supporting MoH and WHO efforts in response to scaling up the routine immunisation and COVID-19 vaccination.
• Raising awareness on the impact of routine immunisation and C-19 vaccination concerns within the community.
• Measuring the level of awareness within the target area on volunteerism sustainability to develop future programming.
In addition, the event will create an opportunity to recognise passionate youth and qualified students in the assigned locations, strengthening the network through establishing a relationship with the World Health Organisation.