The Dentistry Faculty of Tishk International University organized a workshop under the title of “Hands-on Direct Composite Veneer”, held on the 14th of October, 2021. The seminar was presented by Dr. Karam Ahmad, a member of the Conservative Department at the Faculty of Dentistry.
The objectives of the workshop were to enable the participants to understand the advantages and disadvantages of direct Veneer and to inform about the indications and the contraindications of the technique. The seminar also aimed to help students recognize how to apply various principles of tooth preparation and to enable the participants to perform direct veneering through a scientific approach. This was a great opportunity for the attendees to explore Direct Composite Veneering and how this operation is performed through hands-on, live training. The workshop was attended by 34 academic staff of the Dentistry Faculty and 37 undergraduate students.
The workshop included two sessions: