Tishk International University Faculty of Dentistry held its annual conference of Oral Sciences in the Dedeman Hotel on June 13th -14th, 2019, which sponsored by VANEST Company as a platinum sponsor and 7 other sponsors from different field of dental industries.In order to enable the knowledge and information accessible to everyone, the 4th International Conference of Oral Sciences (ICOS IV) aims to gather researchers, practitioners, dentists, educators, and scholars with interests in any fields of dentistry at all levels from around the world. The ICOS IV 2019 conference was designed to attract the research communities to promote connections between theory and practice and explore different perspectives on the application of research findings into different dentistry field.The event started with the National Anthem of Iraq and Kurdistan and the inauguration speeches by Dr. Idris Hadi Salih, Dr. Duran Kala dean of the Dentistry Faculty.After that, the officials, intellectuals and the visitors listened to the keynote speeches by Dr. Helena Chergava, from Ukrainian Military Medical Academy who discussed “Botox and filler in dentistry“, after that Dr. Hakam Mousa from University of Jordan made his speech in which he discussed “Laminate Veener“ and then the 3rd keynote speaker’s speech started by Dr. Muhamed Bilal from Damascus University, he discussed “Computer guided surgery in daily practice“ and last our international speaker Dr.Sarthak Kadir from India made his speech in which he discussed “importance of photography in documentation of clinical cases“.The conference started with the opening ceremony at 10.00 am with the participation of Dr. Idris Hadi Head of Board of Trustees of Tishk International University, the chief of KDP/ Erbil branch Mr. Ahmad Kani, Dr. Vian Jaff general director from the Ministry of Health, Dr. Noori Harzani counselor from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Dara Hama Rashid dean of Hawler Medical University -Faculty of Dentistry, Dr. Haitham AL-Ziarah dean of Kitab Faculty of Denstisty, Dr. Othman A.Omar Head of Kurdistan Dental Association.ICOS-2019 received 29 lectures and abstracts from 6 different countries and 11 different universities and institutions of Iraq. Each submission was reviewed by experts of Dental Community in the Kurdistan.We are particularly indebted to our keynote speakers: Dr. Helena Chergova from Ukraine Assist Prof.Dr. Hakam Musa From JordanDr. Muhammed Bilal from SyriaDr.Sarthak Kadir from India and Also our esteemed Local speakers from Erbil, Baghdad, Musul, Kirkuk. Sulemania and DohukWithout their outstanding contributions, the conference could not have been successful.
Net Profit: 3100$