By a decision made by the TIU top management, both Dentistry Department and Pharmacy Department started the procedure of international accreditation for their bachelor programs. An executive committee was formed to run the accreditation procedure and to provide the data required for preparing the self-evaluation report. This committee held the first regular meeting on May 21, 2020 at the University campus. The process road map was illustrated and members were assigned with tasks.
The International Accreditation brings a wide variety of benefits to the students, the academic staff and the University by; raising the profile of learning and teaching of the University and demonstrating a measurable commitment to the quality of teaching.
“Accredited status” means that students and the public can expect that the program lives up to its promises. It means that a student can have confidence that a degree or credential has value. Accreditation signals that the public can have confidence in the worth of an institution or program.
The procedure will be carried out by cooperation with AQ Austria which is an accreditation agency located in Vienna-Austria. AQ Austria is a quality assurance agency that is recognized in Austria and internationally and operates in several countries. It is based on the values public responsibility for quality in higher education, Securing academic freedom, autonomy of higher education institutions and scientific integrity. AQ Austria is a member in ENQA, the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and in EQAR, INNQAAHE, EURASHE and EUA.
The methods and criteria of evaluation applied by AQ Austria are rooted in the common European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Higher Education.