International Workshop of Painless Anesthesia (Quicksleeper5) was held by the Faculty of Dentistry
The Faculty of Dentistry at Tishk International University organized an international workshop under the title of “Quicksleeper 5”, held on November 18th, 2021. The workshop invited faculty staff members of TIU and dentists from across the region. The event was supervised and presented by Dr. Stephane Diaz, Intraosseous Dental Anesthesia Specialist.
The purpose of the workshop was to enable participants to understand the painless anesthesia technique, and to teach the participants how to use the painless anesthesia technique and to incorporate it within their clinics and daily practice. This procedure allows dentists to inject anesthesia to their patients in a more sophisticated and facilitated way, without causing any discomfort to the patient. The workshop also presented techniques to anesthetize patients that are contraindicated and prefer to take classical local anesthesia.
105 participants from staff, alumni, and students of the Faculty of Dentistry-TIU, in addition to external dentists, participated in the workshop. The event was sponsored by Eblal Scientific Bureau.
The workshop comprised of two sessions:
• First Session: Introducing and discussing the quick sleeper5 device’s function and usage.
• Second Session: Hands-on training on how to do painless anesthesia using quicksleeper5 on a patient.
The workshop clarified the usage, indications, and contraindications of the quicksleeper5 painless anesthesia device and enabled the participants to develop broad knowledge on this technique that they may benefit from for patient treatment and convenience.