A Workshop under the title (ONE DAY Rotary Endodontic Course) held by NOVA center professional Endodontists (Dr. Khidher Mustafa, Dr. Muhy Aldin Jaff and Dr. Bashdar Muhammad) in İshik University Faculty of Dentistry on Saturday, April 08, 2017 for 4th and 5th-grade students which were sponsored by FIA group.
It was discussed last update of MicroMega ( Revo S ) endodontic rotary system, how to used, techniques, how to face difficulties cases, indications and contraindications.
There was a high interest in Workshop the senior staff of University, head department of endodontic(Dr.Nofel A.malik), and Dean of Faculty (Dr.Duran kala) were ready in the workshop. Also, there were the group of students from Hawler Medical University were invited to participate in our workshop.
Expenses fee : $1300