For the second time in Kurdistan and Iraq

OCCLUSION & TMD advanced workshop was held by the best in the world In Occlusion Dr. Riaz Syed From UK in cooperation with Tishk International University and International Dental Education Academy.

This December 24,25,26 in TIU -Faculty of Dentistry

Three days advanced theory and hands on workshop on occlusion and TMD.

Lab sponsor was Masterpiece by Smer Abdo .


The essence of practical dentistry – TMD/Occlusion Study

Aims and Objectives

  • To be able to diagnose dysfunctions of the articulatory system
  • To be able to carry out a detailed occlusal examination
  • To revise the use of a face bow
  • To revise how to conform safely
  • To understand when to use splints
  • To understand the treatment ladder within TMD and when to refer
  • Understand Centric Relation and when to use this position
  • Bruxism and its repercussions.

Learning Objectives

  • Acquire skills to perform a TMJ/Occlusal examination
  • Learn the co-diagnostic process of the examination and how to ask future focus questions
  • Evaluate the masticatory system for instability in the TM joints, muscles and teeth
  • Verify how to do a correct face-bow transfer and why it is critical to both the diagnostic and restorative phases of treatment
  • Revisit using the face-bow transfer and CR record on a semi- adjustable articulator
  • Begin the implementation process to establish the process of complete dentistry