On January 2nd, 2023, the Dean of Students Office Representatives in the Faculty of Dentistry at Tishk International University organised an orientation program for first-year students who recently joined the Faculty of Dentistry earlier this month. The event aimed to welcome newcomers and guide them as they embark on their new journey.
At the beginning of each session, student handbooks and instructions specific to the Faculty of Dentistry were distributed among the students. The Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, Dr. Duran Kala, then delivered a speech, followed by a second speech by the Executive Academic Advisor, Mr. Ercan Sezer. They warmly welcomed the students and gave them general guidelines about academic life and campus rules.Students were divided into two groups, each of which a program session was held.
The Students Information System (SIS), lecturer notes website, disciplinary rules, attendance regulations, examinations, and mark distributions were explained by Mr. Yusuf Sidiq and Dr. Safiya Bassman, Dean of Student Representatives, in three languages (English, Kurdish and Arabic). The program lasted two and a half hours, with a questions and answers discussion held at the end of each session.
On behalf of the Faculty of Dentistry and Dean of Students Office, we wish our new students an incredible academic journey full of success and excellence. We hope all students have an exciting and memorable experience at TIU and look forward to helping students fulfil their academic and career dreams.