July 1, 2018
Dentistry Faculty is organizing experimental courses for the Iraq Biology Olympiad team on the date of July 01- 12, 2018, upon the request of Ronaky Hawler Educational Company.
The International Biology Olympiad (IBO) is a yearly Biology competition for secondary school students, who are winners of their respective National Biology Olympiad. Their skills in tackling biological problems, and dealing with biological experiments are tested. The selected students from different part of Iraq is participating experimental courses that are required by the International Biology Olympiad. The Courses are covering laboratories of Molecular biology & Biochemistry, Plant Biology (Anatomy, Physiology and Systematics), Animal biology, physiology and systematics, Evolution and behavior.
This preparation program is coordinating by Dr. Duran Kala, Dean of Dentistry Faculty, and Seven other academic staffs in mentioned subjects. The Iraq Biology Olympiad team will participate in 29th IBO that will be held in Tehran, Iran on the date of July 15 -22, 2018,
Total income is 1500 USD.