Dentistry Faculty in Tishk International University (TIU) started the first Joint Master Program in collaboration with Hawler Medical University (HMU) in April ,2018. On September 1, 2020 , the eleventh master defense session of the Joint Program was held in the presence of Dr.Duran Kala , the Dean of Dentistry Faculty -TIU , Dr.Rebuar Fadhil , the chief of Postgraduate Studies office-TIU , Dr. Diyar Khalid , the chief of Postgraduate Studies office-HMU and master defense committee members.
Chenar Subhi Jameel which was a master candidate in the Conservative Department -Dentistry Joint program, presented his thesis to the discussion committee under the title of (Evaluation of smear layer removal by erbium chromium-doped yttrium scandium, gallium and garnet and diode laser: scanning electron microscopy study).
The master discussion committee members were :
1- Assist. Prof. Dr.Diyar Kahlid Bakr, PhD., HMU, Chairman.
2- Assist. Prof. Dr.Imad Farhan, PhD., Mosul University, Member.
3- Assist.Prof. Dr. Moataz Ghazi Saadallah, PhD., Mosul University, Member.
4- Assist.Prof. Dr. Nawfal A. Abdul-Fatah Zakarea, PhD., TIU, Member and thesis supervisor.
The master discussion committee accepted the thesis with recommending some adjustments to be done within one month and congratulated the student for his great effort and high performance in the presentation and through the two years of his study.
Strict precautions and health regulations including wearing masks and applying social distancing rules for protection against the COVID-19 pandemic were applied during the defense session.