Ishık University Faculty of Dentistry Pedodontic department’s staff with 20 dental students visited Erbil Ola primary school which is located in Saidawa in Erbil. The visit was performed in cooperation with Kurdistan Save Children Organization who provided the project with materials and gains the government’s agreements for visiting schools.
Visit impact:
1. Apreciation of the school’s staff.
2. Benifits to the children in relation to their oral health.
3. Benifits to the dental students in relation to their knowlage in the subject of oral examination, fluoride application and oral health instructions.
4. The students learned to have the soul of philanthophy and helping people in need.
5. The organization ‘Kurdistan Save Children’ could reach its goal in helping poor people in case of their oral health by the help of Tishk International University/Dentistry Faculty staff and students.